Pack 577 Fundraising Campaign:
Popcorn Sales


Popcorn Sales | Parents Guide


Fall 2021: The Pack will primarily run all Popcorn sales through online/app method. Please use the Trails End App and website at to record all sales and share links with family, friends and neighbors.

You can also use the printable Wagon Sales flyer to sell via phone, video chat, etc. Note that some prices differ compared to the website order form. Families would be responsible for safely distributing product for Wagon Sales orders. You may also access this quick help guide on using the app.

Check out details on how to sell $1000 from home and many other popcorn resources on the Atlanta Area Council site.

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Our Pack relies on one fundraising effort to fund the majority of our activities: the annual Popcorn Sales Program. This event gives Scouts an opportunity to develop important skills that build character such as speaking to family, friends and neighbors about the importance of Scouting, asking people to support a project, and managing time. When you and your Scout go out into your neighborhood to raise money for our Pack, it deepens your connection to our organization and our community. And it's fun!

Your Scout can meet and exceed his or her goal by putting in just 2 hours a week during the campaign. We need all Pack 577 parents to help our Scouts succeed so we all thrive. Remember this: you're asking people to support Scouting, and you're thanking them with popcorn and smiles.

Here is an outline of the campaign by month:


  • Communicate this year’s sales process at September Pack Meeting

  • Scouts decide their popcorn sales goal and create a personalized webpage on Trails End

October - November

  • Scouts continue to sell popcorn through their personal Trails End page to achieve their goal.


  • Deadline for online sales prizes for the pack. However, online sales can continue year-round if you want to keep selling (shipped deliveries only).

Questions? Please contact your den leader or the Cubmaster team.