Pack 577 Fundraising Campaign:
Parents’ Guide


Popcorn Sales | Parents Guide

Need to Know

The Popcorn Fundraiser is our only fundraising event of the year. Your effort helps us pay for our Pack’s activities, like the Pinewood Derby, as well as supporting regional and national Scouting resources, like Bert Adams Scout Camp. So we hope you will help us get to 100% participation by reaching a threshold goal of $250 per Scout, strive for $450, and then aim for the stars!

Participate in Popcorn with Purpose

Popcorn sales are an important opportunity for each Scout to:

  • Demonstrate courage by asking others to support Scouting

  • Set and achieve personal and financial goals

  • Manage money, time, and products

  • Demonstrate stewardship

  • Contribute as a team member to den goals

  • Invest “sweat equity” in the Pack

Pro Tips for Success

Set ambitious goals: Each Scout can sell at least $250 through online sales. This goal can typically be met by spending just a few hours selling to your neighbors and immediate family using a personalized website through Trails End.

Go digital: Create a sales account to record your in-person sales in the Trail’s End online Popcorn System at Enter your sales there or in the Trail’s End sales app.

Have fun achieving goals, earning incentives, and hearing your Scout say, “Would you like to support Scouting?” You will be amazed at how people respond to your Scout and how your Scout will grow with this experience.

Important Notes

The fundraiser is all about supporting scouting and popcorn is like a reward or “thank you” from your Scout. So, lead your pitch by asking customers, “Would you like to support Scouting?” NOT “Do you want to buy popcorn?”